查了一条叫:How is Iraq now?的问题,
一位居住生活学习都在巴格达的叫Omar Meriwani的网友2018年的回答:
250 Kills per month. A very bad weather. High percentage of illiteracy, 30–40 live under poverty line, no exports except oil, no industry, 15–20% jobless young graduates, very dense population in the capital Baghdad, a lot of checkpoints everywhere in the country, many militias and many gangs controlling small kingdoms and governments inside the bigger government.
住在旧金山的Roger Grainger:
Two things: (!) Iraqi leaders are sympathetic ( if not aligned with or supporting) more to the Shia side of Islam than the Sunni side of Islam, meaning that Iraq is far more aligned with Iran than with the US; (2) the USA under Trump has no clear and published strategy for the presence of American military forces in Iraq.
Extremely bad. Corrupted government, people are protesting all around the country and people are getting killed and kidnapped (but government and militias), People need the world to step beside them to get rid of these politicians and thieves
The situation is guided by the people, Mu'tasim, universities are closed, schools are closed, and the government refuses to give in to the demands of the people. Iraq and Baghdad. We are sitting in Tahrir Square ... in the provinces of Basra, Karbala and Najaf we are say the demonstrations are peaceful and they beat them with tear bombs in their heads
K. Sebastian Ross2020年6月的回答:
Most of what I'm explaining has been on the news, over the next few months bases housing US troops were attacked with Katyusha rockets. These attacks were committed by the Iranian backed PMF (popular mobilization forces), who were officially sanctioned by the Iraqi government -as they did the brunt of the fighting against ISIS. These PMF groups were also gunning down protesters by the hundreds, all with the blessing of the Shite led Iraqi government.
For months, as protesters braved their government's bullets, just to peacefully demand an end to corruption and better opportunities of life, these rockets would fall (albeit harmlessly on US bases) I think one of the closest calls we had was one night a rocket hit the roof of our PX, the only casualty -thankfully, was the frozen food refrigerator. And that was just the thing, for the time being we had no casualties and little damage, thus far the little proxy war with Iran was a bloodless one - and our response was minimal. The most we got was a little scare and an increased security posture (having to wear body armor, etc), and I suppose to these Iran backed militias they got their message across to the 'great satan'.
Just a little history of Katyushas -back in WWII they were nicknamed 'Stalin's Organs' by the Germans -due to the sound the rockets made, and they were a terror weapon with utter destructive power….when fired by the thousands for hours on end . And yet when fired individually or in small numbers -once every month if that, they were at most a means of harassment. These were simple rockets -and had no guidance systems, so with little to no accuracy they would more often than not land harmlessly on the dirt sometimes not even within the base perimeter. However, when you fire these weapons often enough -no matter how ineffective they are -eventually you hit something, and that was what happened a few days after Christmas on one of our bases.

查了一条叫:How is Iraq now?的问题,
一位居住生活学习都在巴格达的叫Omar Meriwani的网友2018年的回答:
250 Kills per month. A very bad weather. High percentage of illiteracy, 30–40 live under poverty line, no exports except oil, no industry, 15–20% jobless young graduates, very dense population in the capital Baghdad, a lot of checkpoints everywhere in the country, many militias and many gangs controlling small kingdoms and governments inside the bigger government.
住在旧金山的Roger Grainger:
Two things: (!) Iraqi leaders are sympathetic ( if not aligned with or supporting) more to the Shia side of Islam than the Sunni side of Islam, meaning that Iraq is far more aligned with Iran than with the US; (2) the USA under Trump has no clear and published strategy for the presence of American military forces in Iraq.
Extremely bad. Corrupted government, people are protesting all around the country and people are getting killed and kidnapped (but government and militias), People need the world to step beside them to get rid of these politicians and thieves
The situation is guided by the people, Mu'tasim, universities are closed, schools are closed, and the government refuses to give in to the demands of the people. Iraq and Baghdad. We are sitting in Tahrir Square ... in the provinces of Basra, Karbala and Najaf we are say the demonstrations are peaceful and they beat them with tear bombs in their heads
K. Sebastian Ross2020年6月的回答:
Most of what I'm explaining has been on the news, over the next few months bases housing US troops were attacked with Katyusha rockets. These attacks were committed by the Iranian backed PMF (popular mobilization forces), who were officially sanctioned by the Iraqi government -as they did the brunt of the fighting against ISIS. These PMF groups were also gunning down protesters by the hundreds, all with the blessing of the Shite led Iraqi government.
For months, as protesters braved their government's bullets, just to peacefully demand an end to corruption and better opportunities of life, these rockets would fall (albeit harmlessly on US bases) I think one of the closest calls we had was one night a rocket hit the roof of our PX, the only casualty -thankfully, was the frozen food refrigerator. And that was just the thing, for the time being we had no casualties and little damage, thus far the little proxy war with Iran was a bloodless one - and our response was minimal. The most we got was a little scare and an increased security posture (having to wear body armor, etc), and I suppose to these Iran backed militias they got their message across to the 'great satan'.
Just a little history of Katyushas -back in WWII they were nicknamed 'Stalin's Organs' by the Germans -due to the sound the rockets made, and they were a terror weapon with utter destructive power….when fired by the thousands for hours on end . And yet when fired individually or in small numbers -once every month if that, they were at most a means of harassment. These were simple rockets -and had no guidance systems, so with little to no accuracy they would more often than not land harmlessly on the dirt sometimes not even within the base perimeter. However, when you fire these weapons often enough -no matter how ineffective they are -eventually you hit something, and that was what happened a few days after Christmas on one of our bases.
