这些化石残骸是上个月在科罗拉多高原牧场(Highlands Ranch)一退休社区附近的建筑工地上被发现的。丹佛自然科学博物馆(Denver Museum of Nature and Science)在一份声明中说,这些遗骸存在于一个可追溯到6,600万至6,800万年前的岩层中。
博物馆发言人告诉福克斯新闻(FOX NEWS)说,博物馆的首席化石制作人娜塔莉·托特(Natalie Toth)已证实,这些遗骸来自成年三角龙(triceratops)。
Watch paleontologists dig up the bones of an adult triceratops buried in bedrock near Denver, Colorado. Scientists say the fossils are 68 million years old. https://t.co/9VvAJi7yun pic.twitter.com/B80zerhzIJ
— CNN (@CNN) June 25, 2019
The concrete cows of Milton Keynes get all of the attention… But this triceratops created by Bill Billings has stood in Peartree Bridge for more than 40 YEARS! How about we give this MK icon some love too?! pic.twitter.com/6mqYUUCYYQ
— Laura – Milton Keynes Kids (@MiltonKeynesKid) June 19, 2019
It’s a Torosaurus snow globe! Happy Holidays from your friends at the Peabody. pic.twitter.com/C3tEFTyg8p
— Yale Peabody Museum (@yalepeabody) December 23, 2015
Paleontologists have discovered a new species of dinosaur after ancient bones were found at Lightning Ridge in 1985. The @UniNewEngland have confirmed the bones belonged to what is the first dinosaur herd in Australia. https://t.co/SYHuNNtsUU #TheLatest #7NEWS pic.twitter.com/HC6qgja98Y
— 7NEWS Sydney (@7NewsSydney) June 4, 2019
He holds the title King of #Wichita and is requesting your presence! This fossilized Tyrannosaurus Rex sits proudly at the entrance of the Museum of World Treasures for all to see. https://t.co/ZfjhAZT72J#VisitWichita @WorldTreasures #Travel pic.twitter.com/1K9RUEHyZP
— Visit Wichita (@VisitWichita) June 25, 2019
Finally, Friday is here. Before leaving the office, we would like to share a new 3D animation to you guys
Ankylosaurus is a genus of armored dinosaurs, aka a ‘living tank’. In the game, watch out of its visible spikes and the tail club‼️ pic.twitter.com/N8OeuJGBad
— Foxie Ventures (@FoxieVentures) October 26, 2018
