With the autorun virus, every time you double-click the USB drive icon in My Computer, the virus will immediately spread to the computer, causing many system errors.
The virus hidden folder also works similarly, however, the problem will not appear as soon as you double-click the USB drive icon, but only when you get inside the USB drive and double-click the folder exists as a virus.The virus is then spread to Windows, especially the Registry! Editor , often makes the computer more serious error than autorun virus.
The red circle is the file, the folder containing the autorun virus.
However, if you have some experience, these viruses will not be your concern.As a precaution, you can do it by manipulating your own hands or using automated software.
Use ' manual shield'
To avoid being infected with autorun virus, you absolutely cannot open the USB drive with double operation but open Windows Explorer (Windows + E) window first, then click the plus sign (+) in front of the USB drive name at Directory tree to the left of the interface.
To prevent viruses from hiding folders, you need to be careful when opening a folder in a USB drive with double-click operation, it is best to use directory retrieval as an autorun antivirus.
In addition, the recognizable feature of the hidden virus folder is that they often create a folder right in an existing folder, and with the same name as that available folder, the virus-created folder has the same color as above.Windows, they are dimmer (visible to the naked eye).Meet suspicious folders like this and make sure you don't create them, so go with Shift + Delete.
Use 'software shield'
With the support of USB Device Protection , your computer will have a fairly secure shield, every virus intrusion is unlikely to happen because there is always a warning if the program detects autorun or virus.hide the folder inside.
USB Device Protection is a free, compact tool that helps you safely protect your computer whenever you insert a USB drive.Not only does the warning help USB Device Protection help you to handle files and folders created by viruses.If the computer has a file hidden by the virus, the program will also help restore the data to the prototype.
