The rating comes with every video game.Like movies, video games get a rating so you know if they're right for kids.However, if you're not too familiar with video games, you may find video game ratings a bit confusing.
Most video game ratings are just a collection of digits.This article provides guidance on ESRB and PEGI ratings, which explains how the video game ranking works, provides a bit of background on the companies responsible and explains how you can make use of them.
ESRB and PEGI-the 2 most popular game ranking standards
- North America: ESRB
- Europe: PEGI
- Rate video games in other countries
- Explain the ESRB ranking criteria
- Describe the ESRB content
- Explain about PEGI ratings
- Description of PEGI content
North America: ESRB
ESRB, short for Entertainment Software Rating Board, provides video game ranking services to the United States, Canada and Mexico.ESRB was founded in 1994, and the circumstances leading to this formation are quite interesting.
Before ESRB, the ranking of video games was up to console manufacturers.At the time, Nintendo didn't rate games, but had a reputation for censoring games to make them family friendly.Meanwhile, Sega has its own rating system for consoles.
As video game graphics cards became more and more popular, parents and the US government began to feel concerned.Two popular names at the time: Mortal Kombat, an extremely violent fighting game and Night Trap, a game with full-motion video (completely dynamic), in which you have to prevent teenage girls from being abducted., became the focus of controversy.
Therefore, the US government held hearings on the impact of adult games on society.The government has issued an ultimatum to the gaming industry: A universal ranking system must be introduced within a year, or the government will do it in person.
Therefore, in 1994, ESRB was born.Since then, it has become a video game ranking system in North America.Unlike many other countries, ESRB ratings are not legally enforced.Instead, it adjusts.All console manufacturers require that games have an ESRB rating in order to appear on their systems and that unrated games will not be included in the game's "store".
Europe: PEGI
PEGI, short for Pan European Game Information, is the standard for ranking video games in most European countries.PEGI was launched in 2003 and replaces the various game rating systems that individual countries have used before.As of the time of this writing, 39 countries have used PEGI to rate games.
PEGI is an example of standardization across countries in the European Union.The European Commission has announced its support for PEGI.Some countries are required to have an age mark on the game, while others accept it as a de facto standard, but do not support specific laws.
Rate video games in other countries
As you would expect, other regions of the world also have their own video game ranking system.It is not possible to include all of them in this article, but they mostly follow the same pattern.For example, Japan has CERO (Computer Entertainment Rating Organization) that assigns an alphabetical ranking to games.
However, Australia is particularly notable for enacting stricter censorship laws compared to other Western countries.The Australian Classification Board didn't support the 18+ ranking of video games until 2013.Some games were never released in Australia, while others had to go through the process.Relatively much editing.
For example, in Fallout 3, real-world synthetic drugs were changed to Med-X to comply with Australian standards.It is illegal to sell any game that has not been classified in Australia.
Explain the ESRB ranking criteria
Now, the article will look at the companies behind the above ranking criteria.First, take a look at the actual video game ratings you'll see in North America.
ESRB uses 7 different ratings for games.4 of these ratings are very popular, while the other 2 options are quite rare and the last ranking type is only "reserve".
- Early Childhood (EC) is the lowest ranking.It denotes games for child audiences.Therefore, these games have no objectionable content and may not be very interesting to the general audience, because they are intended for young children.This rating is not very popular.Examples of games include Dora the Explorer: Dance to the Rescue and Bubble Guppies.
- Everyone (E) is the base rating.Games with this rating are 'suitable for all ages'.Before 1998, this rank was called Kids to Adults (KA).E-rated games include Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Rocket League.
- Everyone 10+ (E10 +) denotes games suitable for children 10 and older.Compared to an E-rated game, these games may contain some content that is more provocative, humorous or violent.Notably, this is the only rating that ESRB has added since its inception.Some games with this rating are Super Smash Bros.Ultimate and Kingdom Hearts III.
- Teen (T) is the next level.This rating is suitable for players aged 13 and up.Titles can have sexually suggestive content, stronger language, and gore-related scenes.You will find Teen ratings on games like Apex Legends and Fortnite.
- Mature (M) is the 'normal' rating at the highest.M-rated games are considered suitable for people 17 and older.Compared to Teen games, they can contain more violent scenes, stronger sexual content, even nudity and pretty strong language.Some game stores don't sell M-rated games to minors, but this is not a legal standard.Examples of M-rated titles include Red Dead Redemption II and Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
- Adults Only (AO) is an ESRB ranking of 18+.This rating applies to games with graphic sexual content or games that allow gambling with real money.However, it is really a lame assessment.There are no major console manufacturers that allow AO games on their system and very few retailers sell AO games in their game 'store'.
Therefore, only a handful of games receive this rating.Most AO games receive this rating due to their heavy sexual content.Publishers will change their game to avoid being ranked at this level, because it's basically like a death sentence.Games with AO ratings include Seduce Me and Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two.
- Rating Pending (RP) is just a 'reservation'.It appears with advertisements for unrated games.
Describe the ESRB content
Ranking is usually found on the front of the game box, while the back has more details.ESRB has several dozen content descriptions, providing you with information about the types of offensive content in the game.Most of these descriptions are self-explanatory (such as Blood-related to gore scenes or Use of Drugs-there are scenes of illegal use), and the article will explain a few.Description can be confusing here:
- Comic Mischief: Characters slide on a banana peel, slap each other, etc.
- Crude Humor: Generally speaking of 'bathroom humor' such as farting.
- Lyrics: Music in the game contains language or other suggestive content.
- Simulated Gambling: Card game with virtual money.
- Suggestive Themes: Games often have characters in delicate clothes or the like.
Finally, ESRB now has information about 'Interactive Elements' at the bottom of the rankings.These include In-Game Purchases if the game allows you to spend real money on loot boxes or similar items and Users Interact in games where you can talk and share.Share content with others.ESRB does not rate online parts of the game because it cannot predict how people will act online.
For a complete list of descriptions and information, see the ESRB ranking guide at You can also search for any game on the ESRB website to see a summary of its objectionable factors.
Explain about PEGI ratings
PEGI uses a similar setting to ESRB with a total of 5 rating levels.However, there are some minor differences in the ratings, and there, there is no 'useless' rating like AO.
- PEGI 3 is the lowest ranking and suitable for all ages.Unlike EC ratings, games with this rating do not necessarily target preschoolers.These games should not contain things that may scare children, but a light, humorous 'violence' is still acceptable.An example of this rating is Yoshi from Crafted World.
- PEGI 7 marks games suitable for ages 7 and up.Like PEGI 3, PEGI 7 may contain some violence or mild scary situations.Pokémon Ultra Sun is an example of the game PEGI 7.
- PEGI 12 has an orange symbol.These games are for players 12 and older.They may contain more realistic scenes of violence, references to sex, small gambling, horror elements and some 'rude' languages.An example of this type of game is Shadow of the Colossus.
- PEGI 16 , also orange, denotes games for players 16 and older.Compared to the PEGI 12 titles, these games may contain stronger scenes involving banned substances, violence, sexuality and language.Battlefield V falls in this rating.
- PEGI 18 is the strongest ranking and is red.These games are only for players 18 and older.They contain extreme violence, the use of illegal substances, and explicit sexual activity.Metro: Exodus is an example of the game PEGI 18.
Description of PEGI content
Like ESRB, PEGI also complements its main rankings with content descriptions.They appear as icons on the back of the game box.Although there are few descriptions of PEGI compared to ESRB, they represent different levels of content based on rankings.
For example, Bad Language's description can appear on games rated 12 through 18.But while PEGI 12 will contain only a few gentle swear words, a PEGI 18 game may contain statements.'heavier'.In addition, descriptions are limited to specific ratings, so you can't see Drugs description on a PEGI 7 game.
Like ESRB, PEGI recently added the In-Game Purchases icon to indicate games that allow you to purchase downloadable content for real money.
The article gives readers a full overview of the ESRB and PEGI video game rating systems.By now, you know what these companies are all about, what the ratings mean, and how to check the content descriptions for more details about each individual game.
It was interesting to see comparative ratings across regions.For example, the Celeste game receives an E10 + rating in the US, but is only considered to be PEGI 7 in Europe.PEGI also does not point out some of the same content as ESRB, such as crude humor (the humor is a bit crude).
ESRB 使用 7 种不同的游戏评级。其中有 4 个评分非常受欢迎,而其他 2 个选项很少见,最后的排名类型只有“保留”。
- 幼儿期 (EC) 排名最低。它表示儿童观众的游戏。因此,这些游戏没有令人反感的内容,并且对于普通观众来说可能不是很有趣,因为它们是为幼儿设计的。这个评级不是很受欢迎。游戏示例包括爱探险的朵拉:为救援起舞和泡泡孔雀鱼。
- Everyone (E) 是基本评级。具有此评级的游戏“适合所有年龄段”。在 1998 年之前,这个等级被称为从儿童到成人 (KA)。 E 级游戏包括 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe 和 Rocket League。
- Everyone 10+ (E10 +) 表示适合 10 岁及以上儿童的游戏。与 E 级游戏相比,这些游戏可能包含一些更具挑衅性、幽默或暴力的内容。值得注意的是,这是 ESRB 自成立以来添加的唯一评级。一些具有此评级的游戏是 Super Smash Bros.Ultimate 和 Kingdom Hearts III。
- 青少年 (T) 是下一个级别。此等级适合 13 岁及以上的玩家。标题可以包含性暗示内容、更强烈的语言和与血腥相关的场景。您会在 Apex Legends 和 Fortnite 等游戏中找到青少年评分。
- 成熟(M)是最高的“正常”等级。 M 级游戏被认为适合 17 岁及以上的人。与青少年游戏相比,它们可以包含更多的暴力场景,更强烈的色情内容,甚至是裸露和相当强烈的语言。一些游戏商店不向未成年人出售 M 级游戏,但这不是法律标准。 M 级游戏的示例包括 Red Dead Redemption II 和 Assassin's Creed Odyssey。
- Adults Only (AO) 是 18 岁以上的 ESRB 排名。此评级适用于带有色情色情内容的游戏或允许用真钱赌博的游戏。然而,这确实是一个蹩脚的评价。没有主要的游戏机制造商允许在他们的系统上运行 AO 游戏,而且很少有零售商在他们的游戏“商店”中销售 AO 游戏。
因此,只有少数游戏获得此评级。大多数 AO 游戏因其大量的色情内容而获得此评级。出版商会改变他们的游戏以避免被排在这个级别,因为这基本上就像是在宣判死刑。具有 AO 评级的游戏包括 Seduce Me 和 Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two。
- 评级待定 (RP) 只是“保留”。它与未分级游戏的广告一起出现。
描述 ESRB 内容
排名通常出现在游戏框的正面,而背面则有更多细节。 ESRB 有几十个内容描述,为您提供有关游戏中攻击性内容类型的信息。这些描述大部分是不言自明的(例如Blood-与血腥场景或吸毒-有非法使用的场景),文章将解释一个很少。此处的描述可能会令人困惑:
- Comic Mischief:角色在香蕉皮上滑行、互相扇耳光等。
- 粗俗幽默:泛指放屁等“浴室幽默”。
- 歌词:游戏中的音乐包含语言或其他暗示性内容。
- 模拟赌博:使用虚拟货币的纸牌游戏。
- 暗示性主题:游戏中的角色通常穿着精致的衣服等。
最后,ESRB 现在在排名底部有关于 'Interactive Elements' 的信息。其中包括游戏内购买(如果游戏允许您将真钱花在战利品盒或类似物品上)以及用户互动在您可以交谈和分享的游戏中。与他人分享内容。 ESRB 不对游戏的在线部分进行评级,因为它无法预测人们将如何在线进行操作。
有关描述和信息的完整列表,请参阅运行的 ESRB上的国王指南。您还可以在 ESRB 网站上搜索任何游戏,以查看其令人反感的因素的摘要。
PEGI 使用与 ESRB 类似的设置,共有 5 个评级级别。不过评分有一些细微的差别,没有像AO这样的“无用”评分。
- PEGI 3 排名最低,适合所有年龄段。与 EC 评级不同,具有此评级的游戏不一定针对学龄前儿童。这些游戏不应该包含可能会吓到孩子的东西,但轻松幽默的“暴力”仍然是可以接受的。来自 Crafted World 的 Yoshi 就是这个评级的一个例子。
- PEGI 7 标记适合 7 岁及以上儿童的游戏。与 PEGI 3 一样,PEGI 7 可能包含一些暴力或轻微的恐怖情况。 Pokémon Ultra Sun 是 PEGI 7 游戏的一个例子。
- PEGI 12 有一个橙色符号。这些游戏适用于 12 岁及以上的玩家。它们可能包含更真实的暴力场景、对性、小赌博、恐怖元素和一些“粗鲁”语言的提及。这类游戏的一个例子是巨像之影。
- PEGI 16 也是橙色,表示适合 16 岁及以上玩家的游戏。与 PEGI 12 游戏相比,这些游戏可能包含更强烈的场景,涉及违禁物质、暴力、性和语言。 《战地风云 5》属于此评级。
- PEGI 18 排名最强,为红色。这些游戏仅适用于 18 岁及以上的玩家。它们包含极端暴力、使用非法物质和露骨的性活动。 Metro: Exodus 是 PEGI 18 游戏的一个例子。
PEGI 内容说明
与 ESRB 一样,PEGI 也通过内容描述来补充其主要排名。它们以图标的形式出现在游戏盒的背面。虽然与 ESRB 相比,PEGI 的描述很少,但它们代表了基于排名的不同级别的内容。
例如,Bad Language's 描述可以出现在等级为 12 到 18 的游戏中。虽然 PEGI 12 只包含一些温和的脏话,但 PEGI 18 游戏可能包含声明。 '更重'。此外,描述仅限于特定等级,因此您无法在 PEGI 7 游戏中看到药物描述。
与 ESRB 一样,PEGI 最近添加了 游戏内购买 图标,表示允许您以真钱购买可下载内容的游戏。
这篇文章让读者全面了解 ESRB 和 PEGI 视频游戏评级系统。到目前为止,您已经知道这些公司的全部内容、评级的含义以及如何查看内容描述以获取有关每个游戏的更多详细信息。
看到不同地区的比较评分很有趣。例如,Celeste 游戏在美国获得 E10 + 评级,但在欧洲仅被视为 PEGI 7。 PEGI 也没有指出一些和 ESRB 相同的内容,比如粗俗幽默(幽默有点粗俗)。